
Diced lamb meat (leg)
500 gr. capers (for 3 persons)
2 onions
Salt, pepper, 7 spices, verjuice or vinegar (optional)
White rice

Capers are usually preserved in salt water or vinegar.
A day ahead, drain the preserve liquid and put the capers in fresh water. Change the water many times to remove the sour taste.

Boil the capers in water and throw this water.
Fry 2 chopped onions in butter.
Cook (boil) the meat separately.

In a casserole, put the onions, 1 table spoon of flour (to thicken the sauce), the meat and its stock, and the capers. Add some verjuice or vinegar according to taste.

Cook for 5 to 10 minutes only.

Serve with white rice.





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